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Wallet Endpoints

The Wallet Endpoints enable users to manage their wallet transactions on the platform. They offer functionality for checking wallet balances, retrieving transaction history, and initiating withdrawals.

Wallet Balance API

Endpoint: GET /fe/wallet/balance

This endpoint is used to retrieve the balance details of a user's wallet, particularly in the context of a gaming platform or service that involves financial transactions or token exchanges.

Request Header

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • user-jwt-token: Users JWT token for authentication.

Response Structure

The response is a JSON object containing various details about the wallet's balance and related attributes.

  • wallet_address: The blockchain address of the wallet.
  • earned_balance: The balance amount earned through gameplay or rewards.
  • bought_balance: The balance amount that has been purchased or deposited into the wallet.
  • bonus_balance: Any bonus amounts added to the wallet.
  • lazy_balance: The current balance in the wallet that hasn't been committed to the chain.
  • on_chain_balance: The balance that is recorded on the blockchain.
  • wallet_transaction_error: A Boolean flag indicating if there was an error in the wallet transactions.
  • lazy_balance_delta: The change in balance that hasn't been updated on the chain yet.
  • is_lazy_balance_updated: A Boolean indicating whether the lazy balance has been updated.
  • created_at: Timestamp for when the wallet record was created.
  • modified_at: Timestamp for the last modification to the wallet record.
  • minWalletBalToWithdraw: The minimum balance amount that is required to withdraw.
Response Status Code
  • Success: 200 OK
  • Failure:
    • 401 Unauthorized
Example Response
"wallet_address": "0x84b6f41fb37d0f7293c6cf405fcfb4b8c7a2c5b9",
"earned_balance": 0,
"bought_balance": 0,
"bonus_balance": 50,
"lazy_balance": 50,
"on_chain_balance": 0,
"wallet_transaction_error": false,
"lazy_balance_delta": 50,
"is_lazy_balance_updated": false,
"created_at": "",
"modified_at": "",
"minWalletBalToWithdraw": 0

Wallet Transaction History API

Endpoint: GET /fe/wallet/transactions

This endpoint retrieves the transaction history of a specific user, providing a detailed view of all transactions associated with it.

Request Header

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • user-jwt-token: Users JWT token for authentication.

Response Structure

The response is a JSON object with last_evaluated_key for pagination and three key arrays: fromTransactions, toTransactions and transactions. Each array contains transaction objects detailing the history of transactions.

  • fromTransactions: Transactions sent from the specified user.
  • toTransactions: Transactions received by the specified user.
  • transactions: Transactions by the specified user.

Each transaction object includes fields such as:

  • uid: Unique identifier of the transaction.
  • from_wallet: Sender's masked wallet address.
  • to_wallet: Receiver's masked wallet address.
  • amount: Amount of the transaction.
  • description: An object which contains following feilds:
    • platformProtocolsTxnAmount: Amount of the transaction.
    • platformProtocolsTxnDescription: Description of the transaction.
    • platformProtocolsTxnName: Name of the transaction.
    • type: Purpose of the transaction.
    • platformProtocolsTxnType: Indicates the type of transaction, such as CREDIT or DEBIT.
  • sync_status: Status of the transaction synchronization.
  • Additional transaction details (timestamps, gas fees, block number, etc.).
Response Status Code
  • Success: 200 OK
  • Failure:
    • 401 Unauthorized
Example Response
"fromTransactions": [
"uid": "b6c88b12-373e-4cc7-8fd4-2e083273e35e",
"from_wallet": "0x7d*****f0a2",
"to_wallet": "0x3c*****f040",
"amount": 50,
"sync_status": "COMPLETED",
"description": {
"platformProtocolsTxnAmount": 50,
"platformProtocolsTxnDescription": "Tournament fee deduct",
"platformProtocolsTxnName": "Tournament fee deduct",
"type": "JOIN"
"platformProtocolsTxnType": "DEBIT"
"created_at": "2024-01-20T08:06:36.568965",
"toTransactions": [
"uid": "d7f88b13-374e-4cc7-8fd4-2e083273e36f",
"from_wallet": "0x4d*****f1a3",
"to_wallet": "0x3c*****f040",
"amount": 75,
"sync_status": "PENDING",
"description": {
"platformProtocolsTxnAmount": 75,
"platformProtocolsTxnDescription": "Tournament fee deduct",
"platformProtocolsTxnName": "Tournament fee deduct",
"type": "JOIN"
"platformProtocolsTxnType": "DEBIT"
"created_at": "2024-01-22T09:15:20.568965",
"toTransactions": [
"uid": "5abeabc6-f6bb-448d-bd40-89c11d8dc2e0",
"from_wallet": "0xb6*****75d6",
"to_wallet": "0xce*****55ff",
"amount": 50,
"sync_status": "PENDING",
"description": {
"platformProtocolsTxnAmount": 50,
"platformProtocolsTxnDescription": "Tournament fee deduct",
"platformProtocolsTxnName": "Tournament fee deduct",
"type": "JOIN"
"platformProtocolsTxnType": "DEBIT"
"created_at": "2024-08-19T21:57:48.694297+05:30",
"last_evaluated_key": ""

Wallet Withdrawal API

Endpoint: POST /fe/wallet/withdraw

This endpoint facilitates the transfer of a user's earned balance from a custodial wallet to their KGeN wallet. It is designed to handle transactions within the platform without requiring additional information from the user in the request body.

Request Header

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • user-jwt-token: Users JWT token for authentication.

Response Structure

Upon successful completion of the withdrawal process, the server responds with a JSON object containing:

  • msg: A confirmation message, usually indicating successful withdrawal.
Response Status Code
  • Success: 200 OK
  • Failure:
    • 401 Unauthorized
Example Response
"msg": "wallet withdrawl successful"